Sunday, September 30, 2007

Music to my Ears

Had my first month check up this week. Can't believe how quickly it has gone and how much my CI has had an effect on my life. My doctor is really impressed with my progress and was happy to have such a positive meeting. We did some fine tuning to all four programs and increased the volume just a bit which is normal for this visit. Told him I have been listening to radio and watching videos with my CI connected right to my computer and was able to understand most of what I heard. When I mentioned music is slow to come he gave me a couple of tips and set me free to come back in 2 months. I am supposed to listen to music I am very familiar with so I picked Van Halen Diver Down. An hour into my ride home I was singing along and listening to music for the first time in 5 years. Again it is very different than what I heard before but I am now able to listen to familiar tunes and its great! I have come to realize that I really missed music. It immediately brought warmth to my heart and a smile to my face and almost a tear. I got to thinking why I was so happy and had such a good feeling just by hearing music? I didn't think I missed it, it's not one of the things I wanted to regain. But then I realized a lot of my childhood memories are surrounded by music. My dad is an entertainer and he was always playing his guitar and singing. I guess it had an effect on me and I guess I missed music without even knowing it. I still have a long way to go but am happy with where I am after one month and can't believe that it is only going to get better!

1 comment:

Linda Halldorson said...

Hi Stacey
We are very pleased to hear how well you are doing just after a month. I guess there are a lot of things in life you don't miss when you don't have it until you get it back. It's wonderful that you can enjoy music again. Keep up the great progress and enjoy all the things you can do again

Aunty Linda & Ron