Friday, November 9, 2007

New Words.

Time to update what is going on for me. Things have been going pretty good. I like to think they have been going very well as far as my new hearing is concerned. I continue to test the limits of this technology and come to grips with being part robotic. It really still amazes me that I have this tiny computer in my head that is giving me the ability to hear again. It is working well and I am thankful for it everyday. What I have noticed is that over the past 5 years I was exposed to many new words, be them names or just a word I never heard before I lost my hearing. On most of them I was pretty good at getting the pronunciation correct, others not so much. It is funny now to hear those words and say to myself, you dummy, you have been saying it wrong all this time and to boot, nobody corrected me. It's funny, I laugh to myself and add the "new" word to my vocabulary and move on. I have noticed my family is a little more relaxed in situations that before always had them on their toes. An example of this would be me conducting a conversation in a noisy environment, before my wife and kids were always there to catch me when I fell, now they have the luxury of being a bit more relaxed and letting me go it alone while they tend to themselves, I like it! My CI has giving me more freedom, I work at something new everyday and if it doesn't work today, I try again tomorrow because really each day it keeps getting better. I hope my next post is not so long away because I really like the use of this blog as a journal to document my journey and to have the ability to go back to see how far I have come.